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How we help

By purchasing a Goodi Bagg, you not only receive a shopping bag that is extra strong, always with you and ready to use, but you are also helping others, you are a GOODi!  As proud supporters of the Heart Foundation, Australia, Goodi Bagg donates a percentage from the sale of each and every bag to their cause, and you too are joining the fight against heart disease.   To view our donations to the Heart Foundation, click here.  As Goodi Bagg grows, we will donate to more charities in need of support, we have so many in mind and look forward to increasing our scope. 


When Goodi Bagg was founded, helping the environment was the priority by reducing the use of single use plastic bags.  As the bag evolved through trialling many different prototypes, so did the purpose of the bag.  It was no longer just a shopping bag, but a means to help others.  A movement.  A way of building awareness as well as raising funds for charities. 


Why is the Heart Foundation first on our list, you ask. 

You will notice, there is a page titled "In Basile's Honour", where you can read about my brother-in-law, Basile.  Basile, who was an amazing doctor and family man, suddenly and tragically departed, triggering many emotions in me.  I felt compelled to tell his story, but at the time of his death, I didn't know how.  When Goodi Bagg was born, though, the idea just came to me.  I could use Goodi Bagg to create awareness as well as raise funds. 


Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia, in the U.S. and worldwide?  I had no idea, until Basile suffered a fatal heart attack at the age of 38.... Yes, 38 years old.  On the outside, he appeared young, healthy, the world was his oyster.  We had no idea what was going on inside, until it was too late.  Heart disease affects young people too.  It can be prevented through a healthy diet and exercise, and requesting a heart health check can save your life.  

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